Honor roll

Must earn “A-” or higher in all classes in a nine week period. NAVY HONOR: Must earn “B-” or higher in all classes in a nine week period.

Grade scale
A+ = 97.6% – 100%
A = 95.1% – 97.5%
A– = 92.6% – 95%
B+ = 90.1% – 92.5%
B = 87.6% – 90%
B- = 85.1% – 87.5%
C+ = 82.6% – 85%
C = 80.1% – 82.5%
C- = 77.6% – 80%
D+ = 75.1% – 77.5%
D = 72.6% – 75%
D- = 70% – 72.5%
F = 0% – 69.9%
I = Incomplete work

Report Cards/Support Slips

The school year is divided into four equal reporting periods of nine weeks. A report card will be sent home at the completion of each quarter. When report cards are issued they should be examined by the student’s parents, signed, and return to school within one week (except the last nine week period). A parent’s signature does not indicate approval or disapproval of the report, but it does indicate that the parent who signed has examined the report card.

In order to keep parents and students informed of weekly progress, a report slip will be sent home midway through each nine weeks. The report slip must be signed and returned the following school day.

Promotion requirements

Kindergarten-8th grade
Passing final grade in all subjects.

High school (9th-12th grades)
Bible – 2 credits
English – 4 credits
History – 4 credits
Science – 4 credits
Foreign Language – 1 credit
Total credits to graduate: 24

Credits required for class designation
Math – 4 credits
P. E. – 2 credits
Other – 3 credits
Sophomore – 6
Junior – 12
Senior – 18
Graduate – 24

** in addition to the afore mentioned requirements, all students in all grades must obtain satisfactory marks on end of year Stanford Achievement Standardized Tests in order to be promoted to the next grade level.

Bible Memory
Bible memory work will receive top priority with each student. (Psalms 119:11). Students are required to memorize verses that are assigned by the teacher on a weekly basis. Verses are to be quoted word perfect from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture memory awards will be given at the end of the year to students who excel in this area.